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Project Tiles A .98.7
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Alpha.98.7 The Big Squish
October 08, 2021
Scream Jester
LOTS has been done to the game in the most recent 7 patches. For more information please view the patch notes via discord. Thanks, Justin (le sole creator)...
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Alpha .98 (almost in Beta)
September 25, 2021
Scream Jester
Alpha .98 (almost in beta) TLDR Full creep system overhaul new creep new bosses and variation The long The previous builds had a system for gaining and customizing the way new creep would appear. At i...
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Alpha. 89 Almost there!!
August 11, 2021
Scream Jester
Da Patch notes Alpha .89 Huge wall of details below. The tldr is the game now offers a few more options in how you want to play. The next big update will be a creep system rework and should add the mu...
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Alpha .8
July 25, 2021
Scream Jester
Alpha .8 New Things creep combat All creep will now target and shoot at towers. Towers have armor, shield and health when a creep shoots at a tower damage will be dealt to the towers shield first. Aft...
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Roadmap Version 2
July 23, 2021
Scream Jester
While finishing up the next big update to .8 I decided now would be a good time to update the road map. so here she is in all my scatter brained glory...
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alpha .7X Thoughts
July 20, 2021
Scream Jester
Well good new is i managed to pull a solid 13 hrs programming sesh in and i got the creep to fight back, however this poses a huge new problem. timing! currently every creep shoots at the tower when i...
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Alpha .7.5 (final bug bash?)
July 15, 2021
Scream Jester
Whats new -creep hp can now be toggled into 1 of 3 displays. (blanks,text,healthbar) by pressing tab -all spell tiles now give a description in game showing what they do -all creep have had a slight h...
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Alpha .7.3 (HOT fix)
July 14, 2021
Scream Jester
Alpha.7.3 Hotfixed With the generous help of @xSavagexEaglex#0542 The two of us crushed a fat chunk of bugs! including a few i had been working on but couldn't reproduce. **NEW THINGS** -Adjusted rari...
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Alpha .7 The First Big One
July 13, 2021
Scream Jester
Alpha.7 (I GOT GLASSES... Figuratively ) The purpose of this update was to polish mechanics, ui and overall user experience. Great feedback was given and almost all of it was addressed.... Tutorial co...
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From Prototype To Infinity
July 10, 2021
Scream Jester
As of today The project moves from prototype stage to in development. What this means is now that I have gotten enough feed back that confirms my own bias (that this game could be a real thing) it beg...
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Alpha .6.4
July 09, 2021
Scream Jester
Alpha .6.4 -swapped mana blade to fury instead of basic -swapped eth to mana to basic from fury -added basic tile coins for white eth -fixed a bug where if a player changed their starting tiles the bu...
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First Road Map
July 08, 2021
Scream Jester
Road map 1.0 Subject to change but its a start...
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Alpha .6
July 07, 2021
Scream Jester
Alpha .6 Big update and the first of a few key changes to the game system. The theme of this update was to address the slew of remaining bugs as well as streamline resources and allow for more custom...
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Alpha . 5
July 04, 2021
Scream Jester
First major release / hotfix and improvement to the original upload. In terms of overall improvement to the few of you who tried it the following fixes were added - Tiles sticking randomly after being...
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